24th OpenMath Workshop

Bertinoro, Italy July 20, 2011 co-located with CICM 2011 Continuous submission until July 10


With the release of the MathML 3 W3C recommendation, OpenMath enters a new phase of its development. Topics we expect to see at the workshop include

though others related to OpenMath are certainly welcomed. For examples of contributions see the 22nd OpenMath Workshop of 2009.

Contributions can be either full research papers, Standard Enhancement Proposals, or a description of new Content Dictionaries, particularly ones that are suggested for formal adoption by the OpenMath Society.

##Important Dates (all times are GMT)

OpenMath 2011 does not have a submission deadline. Submissions will be accepted until July 10 and reviewed and notified continuously.


Submission is by e-mail to omws2011@googlegroups.com. Papers must conform to the Springer LNCS style, preferably using LaTeX2e and the Springer llncs class files.

Submission categories:


Electronic proceedings will be published on the OpenMath web site in time for the conference.

##Workshop Committee

Comments/questions/inquiries: to be sent to omws2011@googlegroups.com